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Making a Difference

Below are the various sustainability and social initiatives that Fullgreen are doing. 

Helping Reduce Food Waste By Only Using Ugly Veg & Unused Parts Of Vegetables

UK food waste in 2015 was 10.2 million tones. In the US, a staggering 50 million tones of food is wasted every year. In total, roughly 1/3 of all food produced for human consumption is wasted. (Source: Courtauld 2025 Baseline Report). Fruit and vegetables are the most likely to be thrown out due to their short shelf life, followed by dairy and meat. This waste has an environmental toll, with the volume of discarded food equivalent to the yearly use of 30m acres of land, 780m pounds of pesticide and 4.2tn gallons of irrigated water. Rotting food clogs up landfills and releases methane, a greenhouse gas 26x more powerful than carbon dioxide in affecting climate change.

To help combat this, Fullgreen developed a special process to naturally extend the shelf life of vegetables without having to add any preservatives. This means you can store pouches of Fullgreen vegetables in your cupboard until you are ready to use them. We use ‘grade 2’ veg which is usually too small to make it to supermarket shelves, and also use parts of vegetables that are usually thrown away by producers.

We hope that by reducing the staggering amount of food waste we can also help make agricultural farming more efficient as this contributes 25% of global annual emissions!

Donating Nutritious Veggies To Those Who Need It The Most

Fullgreen is working with charities FareShare UK and No Kid Hungry USA to provide nutritious veggies to people in need. These charities help fight hunger by providing nutritious meals and snacks to low-income families. As surprising as it may sound, a significant number of families in the UK and US are considered ‘Food Insecure’ meaning they don’t have enough food for each family member and aren’t able to afford nutritious food like fresh vegetables.

Fullgreen makes regular donations to these charities to support programs such as ‘ActivAte’ which provides meals to 50,000 children in the UK over the summer holidays. If you know of a charity who would appreciate our donations of vegetable products please get in touch.

Working With Local Farmers And Manufacturers To Generate Jobs And Boost Local Industries

The demand for cauliflower has risen as what was once regarded as a dull, boiled vegetable has become one of the top food trends. Sales of cauliflower rice, pizza and couscous have multiplied with cultivation acreage devoted to cauliflower increasing by about 50% in recent years.

Fullgreen are proud to say we’ve helped drive this trend and in the process, created jobs and supported the agriculture and manufacturing industries in the UK and US by working with local farmers, suppliers and manufacturers that help farm, pick and make our products. Our production process is so unique that we’ve had to build new production lines to make the product (instead of asking manufacturers to make the product on existing production lines) which have created new jobs for our partner farmers and manufacturers.

Working With The London Mayor’s Childhood Obesity Taskforce And Other Organizations To Help Fight Obesity And Diabetes

Since 1975, Obesity in adults has grown by 3x and in children by 10x. Diabetes as quadrupled since the 1980s with the greatest burden falling upon low income families who can’t afford nutritious meals. Fullgreen makes regular product donations to organizations that help raise awareness for these causes. If you would like to tell us about a diabetes or obesity organization you would like us to support please get in touch.

Are Fullgreen Pouches Recyclable?

Unfortunately, there has not been a process developed yet to allow this type of pouch (commonly found in baby food & microwave rice products) to be fully recycled. We are working on a number of initiatives with our packaging suppliers to try to find a solution to this.

Why do we use Plastic Packaging?

Long life without refrigeration

The special retort pouch material we use allows our veggie products to keep for up to 12 months without refrigeration and without any preservatives.

Keeps in the nutritional goodness

The multiple layers of our packaging are specially designed to preserve all the nutritional goodness of our veggie products throughout its long shelf life.

Veggies anytime anywhere

We recognize that people's lifestyles are getting busier and they don't always have time to cook healthy meals from scratch. So we've designed our products to provide nutritious veggies to busy people short of time and for people on the go. We also supply people in places where refrigeration is not always available like charities, hospitals and schools.

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